Do I Have Symptoms of Trauma?
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When I feel anxious…
I usually cannot identify why
I can usually pinpoint exactly why
My general perspective about my life is…
I believe I can create specific outcomes based on my actions and choices.
I feel like I don’t have control over anything, especially the direction of my life.
When I receive feedback from others
I feel like a bad person and like I am a disappointment.
I am grateful to have learned what I need to improve and appreciate the feedback.
In general, I show up in the world as...
Guarded. Cautions and watchful.
I don’t really think about situations or over-prepare for them. I trust myself.
When I want to change an area of my life...
I feel like I can gather the resources I need and create the change I want.
I feel like I move along and life happens to me. I don’t have control over the outcome of my life.
When I am really stressed..
Sometimes I feel like things are happening around me and I am not in my body, or that life isn’t real.
I feel all my feelings and actively participate in finding solutions or moving forward.
When life is “normal” and calm, I…
Feel like something bad is about to happen.
I feel confident in who I am and enjoy the moment.
When it comes to making friends…
People tell me it is hard to get to know me.
I get along easily with others and love making friends.